Darryn Lyons, Talks
Paparazzi king, Bosnian war correspondent, politician, nightclub impresario, author, Big Brother sensation, Royal watcher...
Darryn Lyons’ CV reads like a white-knuckle ride through conflict, media, business and government.
A brilliantly-plumed mohawk celebrity in his own right, this international photo-journalist has an extraordinary roller-coaster tale to share.
Darryn Lyons’ story takes you into the lives of movie stars and pop stars, into the glittering spotlight world of fame and fortune. He’s negotiated in the rough and tumble of global media, been immersed in the dark side of Australian and British political intrigues and clandestine intelligence operations.
Darryn Lyons has played hard and fast in the rarefied atmosphere of the world’s toughest entertainment business. He’s been up to his neck in the world of sex, drugs, rock and roll and million-dollar deals, and lived to tell the tale.
And what a tale it is. The Geelong boy who rose from local newspaper snapper to international businessman and head of Britain’s largest celebrity photo syndicate before returning home to become a crucial and controversial player in local, state and federal politics.
Always headstrong, ever opinionated, charismatic and pugnacious, Darryn Lyons is an exciting raconteur, ideal for after-dinner engagements, motivational addresses, TV and radio panels and commentary, MC roles, launches, promotions, voice-overs and more.
